Sadhguru. İnner Engineering: Technologies For Wellbeing.

About event

On November 10, Sadhguru, a recognized Indian yogi and mystic, is to present for the first time at the Heydar Aliyev Center. The subject of his presentation is Inner Engineering: Technologies for Wellbeing.


The subject constitutes a comprehensive system derived from centuries-old yoga studies aiming at a profound and sustainable personal transformation. This includes techniques to accomplish harmony by bringing together the human body, mind, senses, and energy to the culmination. No physical training or knowledge of yoga is required, and the techniques are easily adaptable to any lifestyle. 

The presentation elaborating on smart ways to manage human body, emotions, and inner energy will be followed by the Q&A session.

The event will also present Sadhguru’s new book with copies signed by the author.

Age restrictions / Language

Sadhguru. İnner Engineering: Technologies For Wellbeing. Sadhguru. İnner Engineering: Technologies For Wellbeing.