Looking for a Hero

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No Main Competition

Film: Looking for a Hero
Director: Ilkin Yusif
Country: Azerbaijan
Length: 1:08:00
Language: Azerbaijani (with english subtitles)
Age limit: +6
Special Guest: Ilkin Yusif

About:  Most people think that their lives can made into movie, and they can be the main character of that movie. The director -the main lead sets out to find a protagonist in the classical sense. He hits the road and throws himself into hands of destiny, and asks every stranger he encounters if they are the hero he looks for or do they know more suitable candidate for this role. Sticking to the tradition of “Cinema Verite”, the director makes hidden shootings staying true to the quintessence of standard storytelling. Although at the beginning director had more radical stance, he gradually starts to accept the peoples’ understanding of hero. Two years later the director finds people featured in the film and they watch it together.

Age restrictions / Language

Looking for a Hero Looking for a Hero