Чеховское ружьё

About event

The play "Chekhov's Gun" is based on a psychological drama of the same name with elements of horror, authored by Ilgar Mammadov (Safat).

  • Director - Ilgar Safat;
  • Set Designer - Ilgar Safat;
  • Costume Designer - Samra Akhundova;
  • Assistant Director - Yulia Limareva.

The play is a deep and multi-layered work that impresses with its psychological complexity and subtle analysis of human nature. This work offers the audience a profound psychological portrait of a person striving to understand their internal conflicts and free themselves from burdensome memories.

The main character of the play is a talented director who has lived for many years in a world of ghosts, both literal and metaphorical. He is visited by the ghosts of the authors of theatrical productions he has worked on, as well as the spirit of his wife who took her own life. The play reaches its climax when the protagonist, after long psychological struggles and realizations of his mistakes, finally finds the strength to rid himself of his ghosts. In the end, the hero returns to real life, symbolizing his victory over his inner demons and the attainment of inner peace.

Age restrictions / Language

18+ / Русский
Чеховское ружьё Чеховское ружьё

Venue location