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About event

Spectators without COVID19 passport or immune certificate are not allowed to attend the event and purchased tickets are not refundable!

Full name of the performance: "The Adventures of the Little Boy on the Roof" based on the fairy tale "Baby and Carlson".

The age category of the audience: 0+


Inna Imranova (Honoured Artist of Azerbaijan)
Milana Sokolenko(Honoured Artist of Azerbaijan)
Tamilla Abutalybova 
Aylin Turkkan 
Emil Atrashkevich

Play duration: 1 hour 
Number of acts: 1 act
Performance language: Russian

 Performance annotation 

Seven-year old Kid was often bored in loneliness.  The Kid really wanted to have a faithful friend and dreamed of having a dog, but his parents were not going to have a pet.
Baby's life changed when he met Carlson, a little flying man, who once flew in through an open window.

Age restrictions / Language

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