"Disney" Multimedia show

About event

"Disney" multimedia show.

One of the pillars that ensure the future of every state and society, of course, is children. Children's physical, mental, and spiritual development and their care and support is the most significant contribution to our bright future. Taking this into account, on June 3 and 4, 2023, Art-East Media Group, in accordance with the children's and youth policy successfully implemented in the country, decided to contribute to this work, to create a platform where children will directly find themselves in communication with mysterious characters from fairy tales and the most popular cartoons. So, on the occasion of June 1 International Children's Day, the most minor viewers of our country will become live participants in the Disney Multimedia Show performed by the Avangard Chamber Orchestra. During the show, artistic images and events coming to life on the video screen, accompanied by a professional orchestra and virtuoso dancers-animators, will give the most pleasant sensations and impressions not only to children and young people but also to their parents.

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"Disney" Multimedia show "Disney" Multimedia show