The fate of the artist

About event

"The fate of the artist"

Age limit: 6+

Author: Elchin Afandiyev

Genre: Tragedy

Language: Russian

Duration: 1 act - 55 minutes

                     2 act- 45 minutes

Moviemaker: Irana Tagizada (National Artist)

Costume Designer: Mustafa Mustafayev
Art Director: Olga Abbasova (Honored Worker of Culture)

The tragic and mysterious fate of the actor Arablinsky, whose name is inscribed in gold in the history of Azerbaijani theatrical art, is explored in detail by the playwright and producer Irina Tagi-zade. The reasons for his death under mysterious circumstances have not yet been disclosed. But the rumors, versions and legends about this great variety. One of them is the involvement of a woman in love with an actor. Perhaps - Countess. But there is an assumption that it was done by someone from the relatives of the actor. So why did the brilliant actor, one of the founders of the national drama theater, be deprived of his life? Become a member of this stage investigation.

Age restrictions / Language

The fate of the artist The fate of the artist