National Museum of History of Azerbaijan

National Museum of History of Azerbaijan

The museum named after Azerbaijan state Museum in the beginning of its activity and since then continues to strengthen its profile.

The museum attracted people's attention to its expositions and exhibitions reflecting all period of Azerbaijan history. Today 300 thousand patterns immortalizing the history of our nation are saved in various funds of the museum. In the library of the museum are more than 80. 000 books, as well as rare journals and newspapers printed in the early 19th-20th centuries.

The museum building is one of the beautiful architectural monuments of Baku. It was built on the basis of chief architect Josef Goslavsky's project. The mansion was the residence of famous entrepreneur and philanthropist of Hadji Zeynal Abdin Tagiyev and since 1920 the building began its activity as a museum.

Bakı ş., Hacı Zeynalabdin Tağıyev küç., 4